
Our Services

Our students share a commitment to ethical, responsible engagement with the world around them.

Our Vision

To serve the cause of education by preparing dynamic , enlightened individuals equipped with knowledge , abilities and skill to effectively operate as responsible and diverse environment by integrating emerging pedagogies and technologies , Creativity , values , Research and ethical practices while retaining their traditional values.

Our Mission

To establish Kavya Academy as a top ranking high quality institution preparing educated , responsible and productive future Citizens by multi-made instructional facilities congruent with global trends based on Excellence , innovation ,, new Pedagogies and technologies through self-reliance , collaboration , diversification and service to the Nation.

Beyond Book

We believe that education lies beyond the text book and that the learning comes from self enquiry and research , discussion , reading and encouraging the natural curiosity of minds. The school encourages experiential learning through different activities.

Our Facilities

Suggestions for Parents and Guardians

  • Admission of your children in this school is the beginning of your responsibilities toward your children.
  • Guardians are requested to check their student’s diary everyday for homework and other information
  • Please send your children to the School. regularly
  • Please be sure that your children keep all the required books, copies, pen, pencil, etc in their bags.
  • Please avoid giving too much pocket money to your children.
  • You should pay school fees yourself regularly, do not send the amount with your children Please do not allow your children to wear/carry any jewellery, expensive watch, cell phone, mp4.The students and parents themselves will be responsible for the lost or damaged of these valuable materials.
  • Please address all your requests, complains or suggestions directly to the Principal
  • Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their children’s progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality, cleanliness, discipline and by taking interest in their children works.